Are you experiencing extremely high stress?
We know that this is a time of particularly high stress and anxiety for many. This website does not take the place of professional medical or mental health advice. If you or someone you know needs additional assistance to stay safe and healthy, please contact your healthcare provider or other local support networks for information about the services available in your community.
In the event of a life-threatening emergency, please call 911
For the most comprehensive source of locally curated social services information in the US and most of Canada go to to find your local information provider
For general information and support about family emergencies,
go to the Child Welfare Information Gateway
Other valuable links:
Child Abuse
800.4.A.CHILD (800.422.4453)
Child Sexual Abuse
Darkness to Light
866.FOR.LIGHT (866.367.5444)
Family Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800.799.SAFE (800.799.7233)
TTY: 800.787.3224
Video Phone Only for Deaf Callers: 206.518.9361
Help for Parents
National Parent Helpline®
855.4APARENT (855.427.2736) (available 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., PST, weekdays)
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
800.656.HOPE (800.656.4673)
Substance Abuse
National Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Information Center
Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
800.273.TALK (800.273.8255)
TTY: 800.799.4TTY (800.799.4889)