Publications on the CHILD Tool

Reyes, C., & Gilliam, W. (2021). Addressing challenging behaviors in challenging environments: Findings from Ohio's early childhood mental health consultation system. Development and Psychopathology, 1-13. doi:10.1017/S0954579420001790

In a rigorous RCT of Ohio’s CHILD-informed ECMHC, treatment children (both target children and random peers in the classroom) showed significant improvements in social and emotional learning behaviors.


Hubel, G. S., Davies, F., Goodrum, N. M., Schmarder, K.M., Schnake, K., & Moreland, A. D. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences among early care and education teachers: Prevalence and associations with observed quality of classroom social and emotional climate. Children and Youth Services Review, 111, 104877. 

             Found negative associations between teacher ACES (physical abuse, emotional abuse, and incarceration of household member) and CHILD Total Score.


Spielberger, J., Burkhardt, T., Winje, C., Pacheco-Applegate, A., Gitlow, E., Carreon, E., Huang, L., Herriott, A., & Kakuyama-Villaber, R. (2021). Evaluation of the Illinois Model of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Pilot. Chicago, IL: Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.             

Found IL IECMHC intervention to be effective in improving CHILD dimensions of Directions and Rules and Attunement (Equity).
